Access to the detailed project description is located in GitHub

Homework Assignment

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Project Summary:

The purpose of this project was to analyze how weather changes as get closer to equator.

To accomplish this analysis I first pulled data from the OpenWeatherMap API to assemble a dataset on over 500 cities.

After assembling the dataset, I used Matplotlib to plot various aspects of the weather vs. latitude.

Factors I looked at included: temperature, cloudiness, wind speed, and humidity.

The site provides the source data and visualization created as part of the analysis, as well as explanations and descriptions of any trend and correlation witnessed

On the right side you can see a pairplot summary reflecting relationships between different aspects of the weather with a color differentiation for cities from Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

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The following table includes data for a list of random 579 cities used for plotting during the project

City Country Hemisphere Date Lat Lng Max Temp Humidity Cloudiness Wind Speed

Meet the Author

Oleg Ryzhkov

Oleg is a Business Analyst/Manager with in-depth experience in the energy sector, knowledge of the CIS market, and newly equipped skills in programming and data analysis from Northwestern University's Data Science and Visualization Boot Camp.

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Data Science

The project is realized under the Data Science and Visualization Program, which provides a 24-week intensive focused on gaining programming skills in Excel, VBA, Python, R, JavaScript, SQL, MongoDB, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Tableau, Big Data, and Machine Learning


Northwestern University

Featured Programs:                     Coding, Data Science, Cybersecurity, FinTech.   All programs are offered through the Northwestern University School of Professional Studies in collaboration with Trilogy Education Services.

