Harnessing Global Business Experience to Drive Growth

Lived and worked in 5 countries and 11 cities

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I am a Global Business Executive with in-depth expertise in the energy sector. As an Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of ISLET Group, I launched and supervised a 100+ employee holding of 5 companies with $5M turnover and achieved 50% of wholesale LPG market in Georgia (the country). As the Executive Director of R.I.G. GAS (ISLET Group subsidiary), I managed the construction of 13,500 m3 petroleum terminal and structured project financing of $3.5m for it. As the Head of Energy Department at Energy Standard Group in Ukraine, I was a group representative as CFO and General Manager in state and privately held companies. Leveraging my fluency in programming, statistical computing and machine learning, I created a Flask Application - Oil Data Analytics to build a price prediction model.

Core Competences



Projects Period Descriptions Technologies
Oil Data Analytics Aug 2020 - November 2020 Flask App, Time Series Analysis and ML Model Python, R, PostgreSQL, JS(D3, Chart), HTML/CSS
Exoplanets Classification November 2020 Machine Learning Models Python(Sklearn, Tensorflow, Keras)
City Bike Analytics October 2020 Unexpected Phenomena in the City Bike Trip History R, Tableau, Dashboards, Data Story Telling
Scholar TA March 2020 - August 2020 Data driven intelligent assistant for EdD stud Python, JS, AWS, Lucid Chart
Web Scrapping August 2020 Mission to Mars News Python (FLASK), MongoDB
Web Design Challenge August 2020 WeatherApp Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Python
SQLAlchemy-challenge August 2020 Simple FLASK app for climate analysis Python(SQLAlchemy, FLASK), HTML, CSS
Chicago Crime July 2020 Crime data analysis from different sources Python(Pandas, Matplotlib, Geomapping)
API Challenge July 2020 API interaction Python()
Matplotlib Challenge July 2020 Simple FLASK app for climate analysis Python(SQLAlchemy, FLASK), HTML, CSS
Pandas Challenge July 2020 Simple FLASK app for climate analysis Python(Pandas)
Python Challenge June 2020 Simple FLASK app for climate analysis Python
VBA Challenge June 2020 Simple FLASK app for climate analysis Python

Oil Data Analytics (Click on image to go to the project repo)

City Bike Analytics (Click on image to go to the Tableau Public Account)

Scholar TA

Mission to Mars News (Click on image to go to the project repo)

Web Design Challeng

SQLAlchemy Challenge

Chicago Crime & Well Being

API Challenge

Matplotlib Challenge

Pandas Challenge

VBA Challenge


ISLET GROUP, Tbilisi, Georgia
Co-Founder, 2013 - Current

Industry: Oil&Gas, Petroleum & LPG Trading


RIG GAS, Tbilisi, Georgia
Managing Director, 2013 - 2019

Industry: Oil&Gas, Terminal Services

Northwestern University, 2020

Data Science and Visualization Boot Camp, which provides a 24-week intensive program focused on gaining programming skills in Data Analysis

Courses Sessions Technologies
Dipping Into Data Week 1, June MS Excel
Visual Basic Week 2, June VBA
Introduction to Python Week 3, June Python
Real-Word Data Parsing with Pandas Week 4, July Python(Pandas)
Data Visualization with Matplotlib Week 5, July Python(Matplotlib, Seaborn)
Working with Web Data Week 6, July Python(API requests)
Project work Week 7-8, July Python
Introduction to SQL Week 9, July PostrgreSQL, Python()
Advanced SQL Week 10, August PostrgreSQL, Python(SQLAlchemy, FLASK)
Intro to WEB Design Week 11, August HTML/CSS, Bootstrap
Web Scraping Week 12, August MongoDB, Python(Beatiful Soup, FLASK)
ETL Project Week 13, August PostrgreSQL, Python(Pandas)
Intro to JavaScript Week 14, September JavaScript
JavaScript APIs and Web Charting Week 15, September JavaScript
Interactive Data Visualization Week 16, September JavaScript(D3.js)
Geomapping Week 17, October JavaScript(Leaflet.js)
Introduction to R Week 18, October R
Data wrangling in R Project Week 19, October R
Business Intelligence, Dashboarding Week 20, October Tableau
Introduction to Machine Learning Week 21, October Python(Sklearn, Keras)
Introduction to Big Data Week 22, November ETL Cloud
Final Project Week 23-24, November Machine Learning Models, AWS Deployment

Chicago Booth, 2010-2012

20 months Executive MBA program (London campus) with a concentration in Entreprenuership

Course Description Sessions Year
Applied Regression Analysis Autumn 2020
Business Statistics Spring 2020
Technology Strategy (XP) Winter 2012
Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity II (XP) Winter 2012
Entrepreneurial Strategy Winter 2012
Strategic Leadership Winter 2012
Global New Venture Challenge I Autumn 2011
Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity I (XP) Autumn 2011
Quantitative Marketing (XP) Autumn 2011
Global Economics Autumn 2011
Managerial Accounting and Analysis (XP) Autumn 2011
Managerial Decision Making and Negotiations Summer 2011
Marketing Management (XP) Summer 2011
Financial Strategy Spring 2011
Macroeconomics (XP) Spring 2011
Operations Management (Executive MBA) Winter 2011
Corporate Finance for Executives (XP) Winter 2011
Competitive Strategy (XP) Autumn 2010
Statistics II (XP) Autumn 2010
Financial Accounting II (XP) Autumn 2010
Essentials of Effective Leadership (XP) Summer 2010
Statistics I (XP) Summer 2010
Economics of the Firm (XP) Summer 2010
Financial Accounting I (XP) Summer 2010
